
Our physiotherapists have an expanse of practical experience, and are highly trained in a wide range of physio disciplines.


With our team’s experience coming from a range of areas across the western and eastern world, you can be sure that our acupuncturists will find the right blend for you.


Increase the strength and flexibility of your body, improve your sporting ability, or aid your recovery from injury with our highly tailored, specialised pilates exercise plans.

Our Passion

At The Acumedics, we believe that everybody deserves to live their life to its fullest, healthiest potential. When we are young, and when we are healthy, many of us don’t stop to appreciate the value of having a body that works well. Our appreciation typically only develops once we lose that privilege. 

Whether it’s from injury, sickness, or age, any increase in pain or reduction in mobility impacts our quality of life. We end up missing out on life’s fulfilling activities such as playing with our children, enjoying the outdoors, and having the independence that we desire. Millions of people around the world experience this, and live with this reduced quality of life for much longer than they need to. But it never has to be like this. 

Our Process

At The Acumedics, our aim is to provide holistic treatment for our clients, using precise diagnostic methods. Using very unique methods of acupuncture in combination with moxibustion, cupping, herbal remedies and well-established physiotherapeutic care treats not just the symptoms but the root causes. Our staff have a range of skills ready to help you.

We are ACC registered providers, and all are welcome. We have both local and internationally qualified staff ready to attend to your needs whether you need to speak in English, Mandarin, Cantonese or Malay.

what we do best

Our Services


As one of the oldest medical practices in the world, acupuncture has stood the test of time.

Mat Pilates

Increase the strength and flexibility of your body, improve your sporting ability, or aid your recovery from injury with our highly tailored, specialised pilates exercise plans.

Pulse Diagnosis

By putting three fingers over the radial artery along the wrist, which divided into Cun, Guan and Chi section, we aim to feel the pulse length, depth and quality.

Sports Rehabilitation

After a sports injury, proper rehabilitation is incredibly important to get back to a high performance level.


Physiotherapy is a highly accredited method of restoring movement and strength to parts of the body that have been involved in injury, illness, or disability.

Herbal Prescription

With thousands of years of development and refinement, herbal medicines have proven their value time and time again.


Cupping increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed.

Neurokinetic Therapy

NKT involves re-programming the motor control centre in the brain to correct or change movements or muscle firing orders.

Herbal Prescription
Herbal Prescription
By using unique method of TCM diagnosis which include inspection, listening & smelling, inquiring and palpation, we will come out with a formula which is suitable for your body constitution in order to restore the imbalance in your body to assist in treating any sickness. We are using concentrated extract granules in replacement of raw herbs which make it easier to consume the medicine by swallowing the granules with a sip of water.

Herbal Prescription
Pulse Diagnosis
Pulse Diagnosis
Pulse diagnosis is a very important tool that provide practitioner with information about the state of your health but in a different way. By putting three fingers over the radial artery along the wrist, which divided into Cun, Guan and Chi section, we aim to feel the pulse length, depth and quality. By putting all these information together, the practitioner learn more about the state of our wellness
Pulse Diagnosis
Facial Acupuncture
Facial Acupuncture
These punctures stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory system, which work together to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, nourishing skin from the inside out. This helps even out your complexion and promote your skin’s glow. The positive microtraumas also stimulates the production of collagen. This helps improve elasticity, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles.
Facial Acupuncture
Herbal Mud Therapy
Herbal Mud Therapy
By using a mixture of herbs mainly Wormwood, Ginger, Angelica Sinensis, Eucommia Ulmoides and etc and grind into powder and make into paste and put on top of the pain area, it improves the local blood circulation, dispel the cold stagnant in the meridian and collaterals which helps to ease the pain and promote cell regeneration.
Herbal Mud Therapy
Cupping increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. This may relieve fascia & muscle tension, which can improve overall blood flow and promote cell repair. It may also help form new connective tissues and create new blood capillaries in the tissue.
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Henry Leung

Director of Physiotherapist

Ethan Ling

Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist, Neurokinetic Therapist, and Pilates Instructor

Tina Guo
